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Blueberry Ginger Muffins with Fresh or Frozen Blueberries

Blueberry muffins are an easy and popular breakfast muffin. This recipe gives you options of topping them off with a streusel or sour cream topping. I’ve added lime and ginger to the batter, as it is the most popular combination of flavors I’ve seen in our drink syrups, so I thought it would be a …

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English Steamed Pudding with Persimmon: Holiday Showstopper

The Brits do love their steamed puddings, from the Christmas “figgy pudding” to all kinds of sweet and savory renditions. After making this persimmon steamed pudding, I echo their pudding love. It was delicious, and doesn’t require specialized equipment. Most of the “time” is down time while it is steaming away. Jump to: RECIPE | …

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